Member-only story
The best Video Games
I have played thousands of video games. Lately there has been a shortage of games that astonish the gamer. Its like we’ve lost all the great game creators to companies that just want to milk cash cows or something. Take a look at several long running series. Halo, Rachet and Clank, Bioshock, Final Fantasy, these games have specific branding. They were great when they were first released but it seems like there is just a level of game making that is lacking in the current space. I recently played New World trying out an MMO for the first time. I played over 100 hours and still couldn’t get to level 60 which is the level cap. The amount of hours put in to the reward you feel for playing is just lost. I can’t say I’ve been into MMOs very much any way. I am more of a JRPG fan. Titles like Demons Souls, Dark Souls sparked that light in me a long time a go. The reward and punishment system is severe in these types of video games but hey at least they feel worth it. I have played so many video games that I burn through games at a very fast pace.
I stopped purchasing games as much since the quality of good video games has gone down. Even with largely anticipated video games like Cyberpunk the game was released buggy beyond hell. I did play it and beat it. If you would like to check out several endings check out my youtube channel. It was a beautiful game yet the delivery was trashed by compatibility issues with consoles and bugged out moments. So what does it take to create a great video game these days? You can’t just look at sales anymore to find if a game is a worthy buy. Why…