How to fix the world in 30 days:

Jeremy's Research blog
3 min readFeb 9, 2022
image credit “VectorStock”

Day 1: Find out all the wants and needs of all the world cultures and societies.

Day 2: Create a way to prevent exploitation of resources.

Day 3: Give everyone access to the world’s knowledge.

Day 4: Give everyone a reason to keep living all their life.

Day 5: Create ways to prevent dystopian fever.

Day 6: Design a way to mitigate discourse without subjecting anyone to inhuman conditions.

Day 7: Create a bill of rights for consciousness of all kinds.

Day 8: Create positive reinforcement learning opportunities, implement them, replace all prison systems with proven positive actions.

Day 9: Design a community based governing body which is truly democratic 1 person 1 vote, based on laws that are 1 page long, and understandable by most 4th graders.

Day 10: Build value and reward system that encourages innovation in multiple sectors, subjects, art, lives, hobbies, and infrastructure.

Day 11: Assign personal de-biased artificial intelligence assistants to everyone above 18 years old or when a culture thinks that a person near enough to adulthood. These AI assistants would be loyal to the person alone and nothing and no one else.



Jeremy's Research blog

Quantum computing researcher, hiker, dog lover, intense gamer, artist and writer. I like writing SciFi hard science, and horror fiction..